Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Map of Soft Drink Breakdown

Here's a cool map showing a breakdown of what people call soft drinks. Is it "soda" where you come from? Or is "pop" your drink of choice? Some just say "coke" as an all-encompassing term.

Those in the Northeast and West Coast say "soda" while the rest of the country prefers "pop" or "coke." This information is quickly being digested in the bowels of Republican National Headquarters to determine how it might be exploited come election time. The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are already planning a smear campaign labelling liberals as "soda drinking pansies."
Real patriots drink whiskey anyway.
see the map here.


Anonymous said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Great map! Of course everyone knows soda is technically the correct term. The rest of the country is ignorant.

Faux Outrage said...


Doofi said...

I hate you if you refer to all soda as coke. In case you didn't get the memo, there are things called brands, there is also a thing called diversity, but then again what else could we expect from the South than to classify all soda as coke and what else could we expect than for me to classify all the south as hated.

Faux Outrage said...

Totally honored to have the master of hatin' comment on my sight.

How about people who call any mp3 player an iPod? No, THAT's not an iPod, that's a Rio. Dumas.

Doofi said...

That's a great one like when any computer is IBM or even worse when any non mac is called a PC, are they not all personal computers? Think about what you say people and I will think about what I hate.