Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Happy Birthday, David Letterman

You're 59 years young today and over the last 24 years (Oy gevalt, has it been 24 years?) you've changed late night talk show history. Sure, Jay Leno may win ratings wars but when have ratings ever proven anything? We know, Dave, you are where "it" is at. You gave us viewer mail, elevator races, the Thrill Cam, Tiger Cam, Monkey Cam, Stupid Pet Tricks and Stupid Human Tricks, and, of course, top 10 lists. Yes, Dave, yours is Late Night, and everything in it.

I also want to send a shout out to my girl Shannon Doherity, 35 today. Your work on "Beverly Hills: 90210" inspired a generation, my generation.

This reminds me of the time Letterman introduced a member of "90210" to his show. It went something like this...

Dave: And now, the lovely and talented actress from the hit show Beverly Hills: 90215364189ZX51-2....

(insert Dave's high-pitched cackle)

And now my Top 10 Late Night moments.

10. Donning a suit covered in Rice Crispies and plunging into a giant vat of milk.
9. Crushing things with an 80-ton hydraulic press.
8. Johnny Carson coming on the show with his own desk
7. Will it Float?
6. Donning a suit covered in Alka-Seltzer and being lowered into a giant vat of water.
5. Arguments with "American Splendor" creator Harvey Pakar.
3. Interrupting the Today Show with a bullhorn to announce you were not wearing any pants.
2. The Andy Kaufman / Jerry Lawler fight.
1. The time you brought a fruit basket to NBC owners General Electric and were kicked out of the building.

Good times.

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