Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nader begins campaign to nowhere

GOP hired-gun Ralph Nader has begun yet another presidential run to nowhere, a thinly veiled campaign to derail the Democrats this November.

Nader, whose 2000 campaign raised zero awareness on issues while concurrently securing the state of Florida for George W. Bush, will run as an independent. In 2004 Nader received 0.38% of the popular vote.

Long since insignificant, Nader makes no difference in most states during a presidential election. But in battleground states where every vote is important, a third party candidate can become a type of king-maker.

In an ironic twist many of those who vote for Nader do so out of protest, opting for the extreme left-wing candidate who represents the greatest shift from the status quo. These unwitting liberals end up throwing their support to the GOP by denying their vote the Democratic candidate. Thus, Nader only takes votes from the left, sucking them up into his black void, and doing Republicans an important electoral service, further destroying the country.

Your seat belt is on too tight again, Ralph.

Consumer advocate Ralph Nader, blamed by many Democrats for their loss of the White House in the 2000 election, said on Sunday he is launching another independent campaign for the White House.

Nader, who will turn 74 this week, announced his longshot presidential bid on NBC's "Meet the Press" saying that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans were addressing problems facing Americans.

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